1.3 Released

Game now can be won and can be replayed.

First to 11 points wins, Esc returns to menu, R restarts after win.

If in the event of the ball leaving the playing field, the Goal zones extend ~500 units off the top and bottom, so hopefully it will always be caught instead of flying off to infinity.

Current Features:

  • Basic Pong Game implemented.
  • Ball Resets after flying off screen. (adding a point to the player who sent it that way)
  • Paddles are bound to the playing field.
  • Score is displayed with UI.Text
  • Once a player reaches 11 Points the game ends and can be reset with R.
  • Vs. AI mode has AI for the second player (attempts to line up paddle with ball at all times)
  • Ball increases in speed with every collision, resetting after each volley.
  • Title Screen implemented to choose between 1Player and 2Player modes (also has QUIT option)
  • Title Screen can be reached from in-game with Escape key.


Build.zip Play in browser
Jul 30, 2023

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