Alpha 2 - DEMO and Final Assignment Build.

WASD to Move, Space FIRE, B to BOMB.

Destroy Buildings and enemies with Bombs or Bullets.
Touching Enemy bullets, Enemies, or the Ground will kill you.
Dying resets the level.
Reaching the grey End Zone at the end of the level will take you to the next level.
2 Levels. Returns to Title Screen after Level 2.
Wait at the title screen to see dummy High Scores.


Inspired by classic arcade games, Space Infiltrator sees you take the role of a pilot from Earth sent to infiltrate Planet Γε4 (Gamma-Epsilon-Four). As the game progresses, however, a much darker story begins to unfold...


Space Infiltrator is an Arcade inspired game that aims to recreate the Vector Graphics and Sound Systems of old arcade machines. The idea is to try and replicate some of the early 'Space-themed' games that were common back in the 70s/80s.

The game is also inspired by common creepypasta elements, notably the Godzilla NES creepypasta (though mostly in terms of theme and not content). These elements will only appear later into the game.


I did not use ChatGPT or Github Copilot to aid with this project.


  • Player that can Shoot Bullets and Bombs.
  • Enemies that can Shoot Bullets.
  • Buildings that can be Destroyed.
  • A Score for the Player.
  • An animated Title Screen.
  • A High Score Screen.
  • Title and High Score screens cycle automatically every 30 seconds.
  • 2 Playable Levels.
  • Vector Graphics Aesthetic.


Music Software:
High-Score Scripts:


Download 3.8 MB
Build(0002).zip 3.8 MB
Download 10 MB

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Nice to see the pacing of the game increased from when I played it during testing. Game is now nice and challenging, and visually looks great, so well done!

Good game Mr man although it's a bit too... how should I say? EZ EZ EZ EZ